Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – The Eejit in the Dry Field

Matt and Tam Lin depart for their picnic via horseback. Matt sees farm laborers working in the opium fields for the first time. He sees a many lying on the ground that has died of thirst. Matt is troubled that nothing could be done to help him. Cleanup crews will come for the man at the end of the day. The two will walk the final length of the trip as the horses are programmed to stay on the farm – the horse is a “Safe Horse” and has an implant to keep it from bolting or jumping, and even eating or drinking without a verbal command.

Tam Lin has taken Matt to an “oasis” off the property that El Patron does not know about and promises Matt to keep it a secret. Tam Lin wanted to tell Matt a few things without being spied on: Matt learns of the cloning process, why people dislike clones, and his relationship with El Patron. Matt also learns that eejits are similar to the “Safe Horse” in that they are programmed to do a specific task. Teacher will not return as she has now been programmed to mend curtains/peel potatoes. Tam Lin takes on a teacher role of sorts for Matt.

1.    Describe the farm workers. What are they doing?
2.    What was the fate of the man lying on the ground (p. 77-78)? What does this say of the value placed on his life?
3.    Why won’t the horse leave the farm?
4.    Where was their picnic? Why did Tam Lin keep this place a secret?
5.    What was the purpose of the picnic?
6.    Does Matt really understand who or what he is?
7.    How does Tam Lin describe the cloning process?
8.    What is an “eejit?” Examples?
9.    Will Teacher come back?
10. What will be done about Matt’s education?


  1. GEMME THE ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. thats what im trying to figure out lol

  3. Damn, they straight robbed chapter 8 outta all of us😔😢
    Guess ima have to find another site...

  4. 1. The farm workers are eejits they have implants in their brain that make them obey certain commands. They are harvesting opium.
    2. The man lying on the ground had died from dehydration. The value of his life is very little because they always catch many more runaways trying to get over the border.
    3. The horse won't leave the farm unless it is told because it has an implant in is brain that destroys its brain.
    4. Their picnic was at a hidden oasis that Tam Lin kept a secret because he didn't want the alacrans to run a pipe through it and suck up all the water.
    5. The purpose of the picnic was so Tam Lin could talk to Matt without being spied on through the hidden cameras around the house.
    6. Matt doesn't really understand what he is but is figuring it out as the story progresses.
    7. Tam Lin describes the cloning process as taking a piece of skin and freezing it to make a copy of a person.
    8. Eejits are people or animals with a brain implant that destroys their brain and makes them obey orders.
    9. The teacher will not come back so Matt learns off of the tv.
    10. Matt will learn off of the tv

  5. 1. The farm workers are eejits they have implants in their brain that make them obey certain commands. They are harvesting opium.
    2. The man lying on the ground had died from dehydration. The value of his life is very little because they always catch many more runaways trying to get over the border.
    3. The horse won't leave the farm unless it is told because it has an implant in is brain that destroys its brain.
    4. Their picnic was at a hidden oasis that Tam Lin kept a secret because he didn't want the alacrans to run a pipe through it and suck up all the water.
    5. The purpose of the picnic was so Tam Lin could talk to Matt without being spied on through the hidden cameras around the house.
    6. Matt doesn't really understand what he is but is figuring it out as the story progresses.
    7. Tam Lin describes the cloning process as taking a piece of skin and freezing it to make a copy of a person.
    8. Eejits are people or animals with a brain implant that destroys their brain and makes them obey orders.
    9. The teacher will not come back so Matt learns off of the tv.
    10. Matt will learn off of the tv
