House of the Scorpion - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 – Death
Matt is taken to the hospital and tested and prepped for surgery to provide El Patron with transplant heart. We learn that Matt was allowed to keep his intelligence, as was El Patron’s other clones, so that his clones could live the child hood El Patron did not have a chance to enjoy. El Patron feels he is “owed” the lives of his siblings who died at a young age; he is the only one of eight to live to adulthood.
The Eejits are just “cattle” to El Patron and are of no consequence.
We learn that Celia has poisoned Matt with foxglove from the garden and arsenic, which has been the reason for all of his health problems and has made his organs unfit for transplant. El Patron dies.
Mr. Alcaran orders Tam Lin to dispose of “the clone” as he has now has “no use.” Celia is to be turned into an eejit. Tam Lin describes himself as a “mercenary” and now appears to now be allied with Mr. Alcaran. Matt is devastated when Tam Lin calls him “It."- Where has Matt been taken? What thoughts are running through his head?
- What is Matt being tested by Willem and the other doctors for?
- What is the one thing that could help Maria?
- What does El Patron say to Matt from his hospital bed?
- Why was Matt allowed to keep his intelligence?
- What is implied by El Patron’s story and the quote “I am meant to have those lives.” (p. 232-233).
- What is said of the economies of the USA and Aztlan? How have things changed?
- Does El Patron care about all the eejits killed?
- Why does El Patron think Matt owes him continued life?
- Why has Celia poisoned Matt?
- Why would the technician want a snip of Matt’s hair?
- How did Matt react to El Patron’s death? How is the news given to him? Is his reaction surprising?
- What is Mr. Alcaran’s order to Tam Lin? How many other clones were there?
- How has Tam Lin changed? What will happen to Celia? Why?
Chapter 23 – Death
Matt is taken to the hospital and tested and prepped for surgery to provide El Patron with transplant heart. We learn that Matt was allowed to keep his intelligence, as was El Patron’s other clones, so that his clones could live the child hood El Patron did not have a chance to enjoy. El Patron feels he is “owed” the lives of his siblings who died at a young age; he is the only one of eight to live to adulthood.
The Eejits are just “cattle” to El Patron and are of no consequence.
We learn that Celia has poisoned Matt with foxglove from the garden and arsenic, which has been the reason for all of his health problems and has made his organs unfit for transplant. El Patron dies.
Mr. Alcaran orders Tam Lin to dispose of “the clone” as he has now has “no use.” Celia is to be turned into an eejit. Tam Lin describes himself as a “mercenary” and now appears to now be allied with Mr. Alcaran. Matt is devastated when Tam Lin calls him “It."
- Where has Matt been taken? What thoughts are running through his head?
- What is Matt being tested by Willem and the other doctors for?
- What is the one thing that could help Maria?
- What does El Patron say to Matt from his hospital bed?
- Why was Matt allowed to keep his intelligence?
- What is implied by El Patron’s story and the quote “I am meant to have those lives.” (p. 232-233).
- What is said of the economies of the USA and Aztlan? How have things changed?
- Does El Patron care about all the eejits killed?
- Why does El Patron think Matt owes him continued life?
- Why has Celia poisoned Matt?
- Why would the technician want a snip of Matt’s hair?
- How did Matt react to El Patron’s death? How is the news given to him? Is his reaction surprising?
- What is Mr. Alcaran’s order to Tam Lin? How many other clones were there?
- How has Tam Lin changed? What will happen to Celia? Why?
1. What is Matt being tested by Willem and the other doctors for?
ReplyDeleteMatt is being tested to see weather he is healthy enough to be an organ donor.
2. What is the one thing that could help Maria?
A hovercraft would really help Maria, because she and Matt could escape.
3. What does El Patron say to Matt from his hospital bed?
El Patron tells Matt that he was always intended to be expendable, and now that the time had come, Matt was going to die.
4. Why was Matt allowed to keep his intelligence?
El Patron felt it would be kinder to give a child a chance to know life before they were needed, than to take their life away. Some say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, but El Parton believes it is better to live with the knowledge your only purpose in life is to grow a liver, than to never have lived at all.
5. What is implied by El Patron’s story and the quote “I am meant to have those lives.” (p. 232-233).
For some reason, El Patron believes that the world owes him his sibling’s lives, in the form of nine clones El Patron uses to artificially extend his life.
6. What is said of the economies of the USA and Aztlan? How have things changed?
The book describes how the economies of both the USA and Aztlan were ravaged by drug smuggling, and influx of immigrants, and overpopulation.
7. Does El Patron care about all the eejits killed?
El Patron doesn’t care at all about any of his eejits.
8. Why does El Patron think Matt owes him continued life?
El Patron feels that, as El Patron has given Matt life, it is also his to take away.
9. Why has Celia poisoned Matt?
Celia poisoned Matt so that he would be too sick for his organs to be of any use.
10. Why would the technician want a snip of Matt’s hair?
The technician used Matt’s hair for DNA testing, to ensure he did not have any mutations that could pose a risk to El Patron.
11. How did Matt react to El Patron’s death? How is the news given to him? Is his reaction surprising?
Matt was deeply saddened by El Patron’s death, despite how evil El Patron was.
12. What is Mr. Alcaran’s order to Tam Lin? How many other clones were there?
Mr. Alacran orders Tam Lin to kill Matt. There were eight other clones made of El. Patron.
13. How has Tam Lin changed? What will happen to Celia? Why?
Tam Lin started working for Mr. Alacran, but became very somber at El. Patron’s death. Celia will pretend to be an eejit until help arrives.
14. Where has Matt been taken? What thoughts are running through his head?
Tam Lin took Matt to the Oasis, though Matt thought he would be killed once they got there.
1. oasis he is worried
ReplyDeletecan someone write a summary of this chapter