Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapter 14

House of the Scorpion - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Celia’s Story

Matt is upset at Tam Lin’s departure. He’s upset that Tam Lin is disappointed in Matt for not accepting responsibility for the death of the dog and because Tam Lin treated him like a human, not just a “beast” like the others.

Tom is banished from the house for showing Maria and Matt Mr. MacGregor’s clone. We learned how Celia came to become El Patron’s possession. She attempted to come to the United States from Atzlan (Mexico) via coyote. She was abandoned in the desert and was captured by El Patron’s guards. Unlike her companions, she was sparred becoming an eejit because she was from El Patron’s hometown.

  1. In a complete sentence(s), describe the Alcaran “estancia.”
  2. Why was Matt so upset by Tam Lin’s departure?
  3. What happed to Tom? Why?
  4. How did Celia come to work for El Patron?
  5. What happed to the others Celia traveled from Aztlan with?