Monday, May 9, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Groups for Discussion After Questions are Completed and Who is Assigned what Chapter Questions
You are to post your answers to the questions from the chapters you have been assigned. You will then meet together to have a discussion about the book. You are each responsible for completing the final projects.
Reading Groups for House of the Scorpion Chapters Questions to Answer
Group #1
Group #2
Group #3
Reading Groups for House of the Scorpion Chapters Questions to Answer
Group #1
- Sam Dainton 1,7,13,18,24,30,36,
- Chris Levy 2,8,14,19,25,31,37
- Arbour G 3,9,15,20,26,32, 38
- Caroline L 4,10,16,21,27, 33
- Olivia G. 5,11,17,22,28,34
- Alejandro 6,12,18,23,29,35
Group #2
- Michaela 1,6, 7,13,18,24,30,36,
- Melissa 2,8, 12, 14,19,25,31,38
- Peter 3,9,15,18, 20,26,32
- Sam Dahlke 4,10,16,21,23, 27, 33,35
- Darell J 5,11,17,22,28,29, 34,
Group #3
- Haley 1,7,13,18,24,30,36,
- Margaux 2,8,14,19,25,31,38
- Noah H. 3,9,15,20,26,32
- Noah M 4,10,16,21,27, 33
- Evan P 5,11,17,22,28,34,37
- Eli 6,12,18,23,29,35
Final Projects - Five Parts
- Please write a lengthy paragraph on one of the following themes from The House of the Scorpion.
As usual include specific references to the book.
- The Impact of Friendship
- The Importance of Developing a Sense of Identity
- The Value of Life (think in terms of cloning and life of clones)
- The Impact of Our Decisions on Others
- The Hypothetical Outcomes of War and Drugs
- The Role of Religion
- The Influence of Peer Pressure
- The Impact of Stereotyping
- Transitions of Adolescent Maturation
2. Write a response paper about the idea of power, and how you would react to a sudden transformation resulting the gaining some type of power as Matt receives at the end of the story. Select and describe a change you would like in the area of power. What would you have power over and how would you and the people around you react to your having that change in power. What do you think the outcome of receiving that power would be?
If you could be cloned would you want to be? Why or Why not? If you had family members who could be cloned would you encourage them to be cloned? Why or Why not?
3. Check out the following all parts of this website and write your reaction to the situation ( about a paragraph making specific references to what you learned in articles / map / pictures) and any suggestions for dealing with the situation:
4. Write a sentence telling from what point of view the story in the book was told.
5. Choose one of the following:
- Letter from Matt to another character explaining why he is a real boy.
- Letter from Celia to El Patron explaining why Matt is “mi vida”
- Letter from Rosa to El Patron justifying her actions
- Letter from Esperanza to Maria explaining her choice to leave her husband and children
- Letter from Old El Patron to Young El Patron justifying his actions
- Assume the role of Matt’s political advisor, asking him to abolish one of the following:
Opium (the drug)
Opium (the country)
The practice of cloning
Opium (the drug)
Opium (the country)
The practice of cloning
- Assume the role of Matt’s political advisor, asking him to keep one of the following:
Opium (the drug)
Opium (the country)
Opium (the drug)
Opium (the country)
The practice of cloning
- Write a new constitution for Opium explaining its new laws and the reasons for their existence.
Organizational Pattern - All Read
- Organizational Patterns
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is organized in to five main
- Youth: 0 to 6,
- Middle Age: 7 to 11,
- Old Age: 12 to 14,
- Age 14,
- La Vida Nueva.
Within these five sections are a total of 38 chapters, outlining Matteo Alacran’s
physical and symbolic journey. At each stage, Matt changes and develops as he
learns more about himself and about others. By calling such young ages of Matt’s
life “middle age” and “old age” the author parallel’s El Patron’s old age and
emphasizes the fact that Matt experiences two different lives: from birth to age
14, and beyond. This division also calls attention to the fact that at each stage
Matt progresses until he is finally able to recognize himself as a unique
individual capable of positive actions which can influence others. A cast of
characters as well as a family tree are also provided at the beginning of the novel
to facilitate comprehension. (Stephens BYU 2008)
Chapter 38
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 38
Chapter 38 – The House of Eternity
- Use a flow map to sequence the events of El Patron’s wake, funeral, burial, etc.
- What happened to all of the Alcarans and most of the bodyguards, including Tamlin?
- How did Daft Donald survive?
- Why did Tam Lin not warn anyone else?
- Tam Lin knew what would happen to him by drinking the toast to El Patron. Why do you suppose he drank anyway?
- Describe the Dragon Horde.
Chapter 37
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 37
Chapter 37 – Homecoming
- Describe Esperanza.
- How has things changed in Opium?
- How many lock downs have there been for Opium. What is different about this one?
- What is Esperanza’s plan.
- What is Matt’s reaction to Esperanza’s plan?
- What does Esperanza’s view of international law mean for Matt? What is Matt to do?
- What was the extent of the suffering El Patron had caused?
- What was Matt’s job?
- Who greeted Matt in the music room?
- What do you think happened to Tam Lin?
Chapter 36
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 36
Chapter 36 – The Castle on The Hill
- Describe the costumes. Are any of the costumes familiar to Matt?
- Who was waiting for Matt and Fidelito at the hospital?
- Who stopped the brawl with the keepers at the hospital?
- What was reported to the Aztlan police?
- What happened to the keepers?
- Who arrived at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 33
- Desscribe the boneyard.
- Why was the tape on Matt’s mouth removed?
- How does Matt describe Tam Lin?
Chapter 32
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 32
- How did Matt begin to feel the confessions?
- Why is Fidelito punished by Jorge in particular?
- According to Jorge, why must the lazy be punished?
- What did Matt do rather than “retreat to his private kingdom?”
- What was Flaco’s “implied threat” (p. 320-321).
- What was found out about Matt? What was the impact on the other boys?
- Who comes to Matt’s defense? What does he say?
- Where were Matt and Chacho taken?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chapter 31
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 31
Chapter 31 – Ton-Ton
- Who is Luna?
- How many keepers were there? How many boys?
- Describe the keepers’ compound.
- Did Ton-Ton have a problem with how the keepers lived?
- Why didn’t Matt want the Landarum?
- What happened every night? What was the significance of this event to Matt?
- What happened to Matt’s skin?
- What is Matt’s escape plan?
- Why was “friendship a pain” for Matt?
- Why is Ton-Ton loyal to Jorge?
- Why did the boys want to be “friends” with Ton-Ton?
- Matt finally admits who is his mother?
- Who does he see as his father figure?
- What is Matt’s Reaction to the thought of Tam Lin and Celia? Chacho’s reaction?
Chapter 30
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 30
Chapter 30 – Where the Whales Lost Their Legs
- Where were the boys from?
- Why was Matt targeted with accusations each night?
- Chacho and Fidelitio?
- What do the good bees do to the evil drones according to Jorge?
- What happened to Ton-Ton?
- What comparison was made to El Patron?
- What lesson did Matt learn from what happened to Ton-Ton?
- What did Fidelito do out of fear of what would happen to Matt?
- Why did Matt confess and take a beating?
- How did the boys react?
- What did Matt take at the infirmary?
Chapter 29
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Matt continues to be called "the aristocrat." He chooses to endure Jorge's bedtime story due to the threat of losing another meal. We are introduced to Ton-Ton, a simple minded boy who reinforced Jorge's points. Self-criticism is important to keep one's minds sharp and considerate of the "general good of the people." Ton-Ton is the first to model this by telling his "sins" and deriving a punishment for himself.
When it's Matt's turn, he states that he has done nothing wrong, answered by gasps by the other boys. On prompting from Jorge, they hurl accusations at Matt, except Chacho and Fidelito. Matt draws on past relationships for personal strength and realizes new strength through his relationship with Chacho and Fidelito.
- Why is Matt called “the aristocrat?”
- Why didn’t Matt contradict the bedtime story?
- Who is Ton-Ton? What happened to him? Why?
- What is the role of self criticism?
- What happened to Matt?
- What kept Matt going? His Friends?
Chapter 27
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 28
Chapter 28 – The Plankton Factory
On the hover craft to the plankton factory, the boys must continue working. Fidelito gets motion sickness and throws up in the bag of plastic strips for sandals. Chacho and Matt have to clean the aircraft and the bag of strips, but they don't ask Fidelito to help because he is too sick.
A new keeper, Carlos, gives the boys a tour of the Plankton factory. Plankton is harvested from the Gulf of California and turned into a variety of foods. The waste flowing from the Colorado river has been diverted back to "Dreamland." Salt is also harvested. The factory is incredibly smelly and the climate is very hot.
Carlos has been informed that Matt is an "aristocrat." The boys are required to recite the Five Principles of Good Citizenship and Four Attitudes Leading to Right-Mindfulness before meals. The boys are told that Plankton is most delicious when shared by all.
The boys (Fidelito, Chacho, Matt) are punished with no food when Matt asks Carlos to points out the hypocrisy of the boys having to walk and Carlos is riding around in an electric cart (and also refuses to take Fidelito back). When Chacho and Matt try to apologize to Fidelito, he responds by saying "You're my compadres! Crot Carlos! Crot the Keepers!"
- Why was Matt’s work quota double the other boys?
- What happened at age 18?
- What other two boys went with Matt to the factory?
- Who is Matt describing when saying “They couldn’t seem to relax unless they had total control” (p. 278)?
- Create a bubble map to describe the setting the boys find themselves?
- What is the symbolism of the emblem of a beehive on the keepers’ uniforms?
- What is Plankton? Why are they harvesting it?
- What will prevent escape?
- Is their equality at the Plankton Factory – do the guards follow the same principles taught to the boys?
- What happened to the Colorado River and Gulf of California?
- Why was Fidelito and his grandmother not allowed to leave the refugee camp?
- Why were the boys denied dinner?
Chapter 27
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 27
Chapter 27 – A Five Legged Horse
In this chapter, we learn more of the plight of orphans in the new Aztlan, who are often orphans as a result of losing their parents to Dreamland (opium). The children are made to utter phrases that promote a rejection of individuality and promote working for the good of the state. Matt debates the keeper Raul over the story of the "Five Legged Horse," hampered by the fifth leg of individuality, advocating putting a chip in the brain of workers (eejits) is more efficient, to the disgust of Raul. For standing up to the keepers, Matt is making friends for the first time.
- Who were the keepers in charge of?
- Who were the Lost Boys and Lost Girls?
- What was Opium called at the work camps? What was known about it?
- What did the boys have to recite before eating?
- What had happened to most of the boys’ parents?
- What did Matt not want the other boys to see?
- Is individualism promoted or discouraged in Aztlan? Why?
- What was Matt suggesting about Raul’s story (p. 274)? What was Raul’s reaction? Boy’s reaction?
- What was Matt’s reaction to having friends?
Chapter 26
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 26
Chapter 26 – The Lost Boys
Upon making it across the border, Matt is taken in, cleaned up and given food by a group of guards called "Keepers." These keepers where black uniforms with an emblem of a beehive on the sleeve. Matt takes the last name "Ortega" to help disguise his identity and utters a fake story of his parents being captured by the farm patrol that Tam Lin had supplied him. Due to Matt's polite mannerisms, he is labeled an "aristocrat" by the keepers.
After a nights sleep, he is led to a room of other boys by a keeper named Raul. All the boys are working at different tasks and are repeat several phrases relating to work, including "Its hard, but its fair." We learn that this is an orphanage/word camp. Matt tries to follow El Patron's lessons of commanding respect/showing authority. Matt will be transported to a Plankton factory in San Luis with two other boys, Fidelito (a small boy of about eight years old) and a larger, more boisterous boy named Chacho.
- What name did Matt taken when he asked? Why?
- How was Matt welcomed in Aztlan?
- What is Matt’s cover story?
- Why was Matt asked about skills?
- Is Matt familiar with the new technology available? Why or why not?
- What does “The orderly production of resources is vital to the general good of the people” (p. 264), “Its hard, but fair” and “Attention to the welfare of the nation is the highest virtue to which a citizen can aspire” (p. 265) tell you about the priorities of the country of Aztlan?
- Why did the boys have to be locked in?
- What is a keeper?
- What kind of place does Matt find himself at?
Chapter 25
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 25
Chapter 25 – The Farm Patrol
Matt prepped at the Oasis for his escape – a dangerous root requiring much climbing that Celia would not have been able to do had she been able to join him.
Matt feels pity and weeps for El Patron, even thought he doesn’t deserve it.
Matt eludes the Farm Patrol and makes it across the border into Aztlan as a refugee. However, he lost his backpack, money, and was covered in black slime.
- What is the analogy made comparing a Buzzard to El Patron? (p. 251).
- Why does Matt weep for El Patron?
- What does Matt finally see across the border? His reaction?
- Before crossing the border who does Matt see?
- How was Matt able to get across the border?
- What did Matt lose crossing the border?
Chapter 24
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 – A Final Goodbye
Tam Lin really intended to help Matt escape. He answers Matt’s question about his past activities as a terrorist. Tam Lin is hiding Celia in the stables with Rosa, disguised as an eejit, but she’s unharmed.
We learn the “dirty secret” that clones are no different than other humans and that El Patron has kept Opium one hundred years behind the rest of the world. Tam Lin tells Matt to head to Maria’s convent once he makes it into Aztlan, and then make contact with her mother.
- Describe Matt’s thoughts/feelings at the beginning of the chapter.
- What was Tam Lin’s real plan?
- What was the choice Matt had to make on p. 242.
- What was Tam Lin’s perspective on the bombing? Working for El Patron?
- What did Celia show Tam Lin?
- What does Tam Lin mean when saying he can’t escape the “moral consequences?” What does he intend to do?
- What does Tam Lin tell Matt to do? Go?
- What is the “filthy lie” about clones?
- What is meant by “El Patron kept Opium frozen one hundred years in the past?” (p. 245).
- Where does Tam Lin tell Matt to head to first when he gets to Aztlan?
- What is significant about Matt’s escape?
Chapter 23
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 – Death
Matt is taken to the hospital and tested and prepped for surgery to provide El Patron with transplant heart. We learn that Matt was allowed to keep his intelligence, as was El Patron’s other clones, so that his clones could live the child hood El Patron did not have a chance to enjoy. El Patron feels he is “owed” the lives of his siblings who died at a young age; he is the only one of eight to live to adulthood.
The Eejits are just “cattle” to El Patron and are of no consequence.
We learn that Celia has poisoned Matt with foxglove from the garden and arsenic, which has been the reason for all of his health problems and has made his organs unfit for transplant. El Patron dies.
Mr. Alcaran orders Tam Lin to dispose of “the clone” as he has now has “no use.” Celia is to be turned into an eejit. Tam Lin describes himself as a “mercenary” and now appears to now be allied with Mr. Alcaran. Matt is devastated when Tam Lin calls him “It."- Where has Matt been taken? What thoughts are running through his head?
- What is Matt being tested by Willem and the other doctors for?
- What is the one thing that could help Maria?
- What does El Patron say to Matt from his hospital bed?
- Why was Matt allowed to keep his intelligence?
- What is implied by El Patron’s story and the quote “I am meant to have those lives.” (p. 232-233).
- What is said of the economies of the USA and Aztlan? How have things changed?
- Does El Patron care about all the eejits killed?
- Why does El Patron think Matt owes him continued life?
- Why has Celia poisoned Matt?
- Why would the technician want a snip of Matt’s hair?
- How did Matt react to El Patron’s death? How is the news given to him? Is his reaction surprising?
- What is Mr. Alcaran’s order to Tam Lin? How many other clones were there?
- How has Tam Lin changed? What will happen to Celia? Why?
Chapter 23 – Death
Matt is taken to the hospital and tested and prepped for surgery to provide El Patron with transplant heart. We learn that Matt was allowed to keep his intelligence, as was El Patron’s other clones, so that his clones could live the child hood El Patron did not have a chance to enjoy. El Patron feels he is “owed” the lives of his siblings who died at a young age; he is the only one of eight to live to adulthood.
The Eejits are just “cattle” to El Patron and are of no consequence.
We learn that Celia has poisoned Matt with foxglove from the garden and arsenic, which has been the reason for all of his health problems and has made his organs unfit for transplant. El Patron dies.
Mr. Alcaran orders Tam Lin to dispose of “the clone” as he has now has “no use.” Celia is to be turned into an eejit. Tam Lin describes himself as a “mercenary” and now appears to now be allied with Mr. Alcaran. Matt is devastated when Tam Lin calls him “It."
- Where has Matt been taken? What thoughts are running through his head?
- What is Matt being tested by Willem and the other doctors for?
- What is the one thing that could help Maria?
- What does El Patron say to Matt from his hospital bed?
- Why was Matt allowed to keep his intelligence?
- What is implied by El Patron’s story and the quote “I am meant to have those lives.” (p. 232-233).
- What is said of the economies of the USA and Aztlan? How have things changed?
- Does El Patron care about all the eejits killed?
- Why does El Patron think Matt owes him continued life?
- Why has Celia poisoned Matt?
- Why would the technician want a snip of Matt’s hair?
- How did Matt react to El Patron’s death? How is the news given to him? Is his reaction surprising?
- What is Mr. Alcaran’s order to Tam Lin? How many other clones were there?
- How has Tam Lin changed? What will happen to Celia? Why?
Chapter 22
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 22
Chapter 22 – Betrayal
Matt is scared and unsure what to do. Matt finally connects all the clues that had been given him over the years – understanding what his purpose is and what hereally means to El Patron.
Maria meets him in the secret passage. Everyone is looking for him. Maria decides to disguise him as an eejit and try to sneak him off the estate with her. Emilia and Stephen betray them and Matt is carried away by body guards.
- What conflict was Matt trying to deal with?
- Why do you think El Patron told so many stories to Matt about the afterlife?
- Who is looking for Matt? Why?
- What does Maria say to Matt that in other circumstances would have thrilled him?
- Why does Matt and Tam Lin see El Patron as being like a “Force of Nature?”
- What is Maria’s plan?
- What does El Patron need to survive?
- What did the red light show? What are the possible dangers?
- What do Matt and Maria say to each other?
- Who betrayed Matt and Maria?
- What are all clones considered?
- What does Matt think would happen?
Chapter 20
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 20
Matt begins the chapter with a fever. He contemplates the fact that he is fourteen years old, and from his perspective, an adult.
Matt returns to the oasis, where he continues to read more about the history of Opium. He learns that eejits are made from illegal immigrants trying to get from Mexico to the United States, having to pass through Opium. El Patron continues to be described as evil. Matt learns that Esperanza Mendoza is Maria’s mother –Maria was told her mother was dead. He plans on telling Maria her mother is alive.
Could Tam Lin and Celia be working on a plan to save Matt? El Patron is growing weak again and thinks Matt is Felipe, his dead son. He begins to think about running away to Atzlan, but not until Emilia and Steven’s wedding – he had to see Maria again.
- How did knowing he was 14 make Matt feel?
- Why did Matt further study Tam Lin’s books and Maps?
- Why did El Patron come up with idea of Eejits?
- What happened to dead Eejits?
- How did they lose their humanity?
- What is Matt’s reaction to what he read?
- Who wrote the book? What was the author’s relationship to Maria?
- What did Matt plan to do with his new knowledge?
- Who had once lived at the Oasis?
- Who was Felipe?
- Why can’t Matt escape to Aztlan yet?
Chapter 19
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Coming – Of – Age
Matt’s voice cracks [changes] when singing to El Patron. He is now fourteen years old. Celia and Tam Lin decide to celebrate this. Tam Lin, after a few drinks, decides to finally tell Matt the truth of his origins despite the cameras. He also says hundred of thousands of Eejits have died during El Patron’s lifetime.
Matt begins to realize why he was created, but still holds on to the believe that he is different and not intended to be spare parts – that’s why he was allowed to keep his intelligence, learn music, etc.
- What happened to Matt when singing? What does this signify?
- The statement “clones fall to pieces when they get older” is said once again. Why?
- Why does Tam Lin want to tell Matt the truth despite the watching cameras?
- What does Tam Lin say about how they’re treated?
- How many eejits have died in 100 years?
- What did Matt begin to realize about the role of clones?
- Why is it ironic that El Patron refers to Matt as Mi Vida?
- Why did Matt feel he was different?
- What did Matt have to “look in the eye?”
- How old is Matt now?
Chapter 18
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 18
Chapter 18 – The Dragon Hoard
El Patron has a heart attack and Matt is cleaned up and hurried to the hospital. Matt wants to question Tam Lin about his actions as a terrorist. El Patron survives thanks to a “piggy back heart” and Matt is not neared.
El Patron angrily reacts to Matt’s suggestion that he’d feel better if he gave help to the poor. Tam Lin describes El Patron’s “dragon hoard;” his treasure that he intends to be buried with.
- Compare and contrast Celia’s view of the Farm Patrol with Matt’s experience?
- Describe Celia’s behavior at the beginning of the chapter?
- Where is Celia and Matt rushing to? Why?
- What is done to Matt upon entering the hospital?
- What “strange” activity was Tam Lin doing?
- Who would provide El Patron with a “donor heart?”
- What questions did Matt want to ask Tam Lin?
- How old is El Patron now?
- What is meant by “In the end they’re only rocks” (p. 183).
- What is El Patron’s reaction to Matt describing St. Francis’ perspective on giving to the poor (p. 183-184)?
- What is a “Dragon Hoard?” Why did Tam Lin tell the story?
Chapter 17
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 17
Both Maria and El Patron leave. Matt further contemplates what Maria said about St. Francis and wonders what St. Francis would have thought about clones and thinks about eejits as his “brother and sister eejits.”
Matt heads to the oasis and begins to reads A History of Opium. He learns the history of the formation of the country of Opium: El Patron approached the leaders of the United States and Mexico to solve their immigration and drug problem. It’s a no-man’s land between the U.S. and Mexico. The Alcarans and the MacGregors are the two most powerful families. The author was Esperanza Mendoza; the publisher was the Anti-Slavery Society of California. El Patron is
described as a dictator, evil, vicious and greedy. This upsets Matt.
On his way home, Matt inspects the water purification plant. He hopes that he has the power to free the eejits at some point in the future. Matt discovers the waste from the plant is disposed of where the Eejits are housed. Matt almost drowns after collapsing from the fumes. He is saved by the Farm Patrol who return him to the house. He learns that they are Scottish and criminals like Tam Lin, who they described as a Scottish Nationalist and Terrorist.
- Who left at the beginning of the chapter?
- Why do you think Maria gave Matt he book about St. Francis? Matt’s
thoughts? - Has anything changed about Matt’s feelings about Rosa?
- Is there any significance to Matt calling Eejits “Brothers and Sister Eejits?”
- What was contained in a “History of Opium?” How was this different than
what Matt expected? - Create a flow map to sequence History of “Pact Made in Hell.”
- What organization did Esperanza Mendoza, author of the History, belong to?
- What was the structure of Opium? Most powerful families and land?
- How was Matteo Alcaran (El Patron) described by the book?
- Why did Matt begin studying how the empire worked?
- What was the first thing Matt wanted to do when “helping the one in charge?”
- What was done with the polluted water?
- Who rescued Matt from drowning? What were they part of? How did Matt talk to them?
- Why do eejits sleep in the field some nights?
- Why brought Hugh, Ralf and Wee Willie to Opium?
- How is Tam Lin described? What did he do?
Chapter 16
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 16
Chapter 16 – Brother Wolf
Matt and Maria make their way through the secret passage and eventually talk. Maria states that she forgives Matt for killing Furball – Matt doesn’t correct her. They talk about religion and whether or not Matt has a soul.
The two see Felicia and Tom in the security monitoring room try to use the cameras to find Matt and Maria. The two of them make for of the dead El Viejo and Felicia says something startling. Felicia killed Furball to punish Matt for how he treated Tom at the birthday party. Tam Lin finds them and leads them out of the passage separately.
- What does Maria accuse Matt of doing in the passage?
- Where did they end up? How was it different?
- Why did Maria forgive Matt?
- What did Matt think about faults?
- What religious predicament, according to Maria, does Matt find himself in? Her answer?
- How did Tom and Felicia describe El Viejo’s corpse? Why?
- How was Tom and Felicia searching for Matt and Maria?
- What does Felicia say that startles Maria? Matt?
- How is El Patron going to help Matt and Maria?
Chapter 15
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 15
Section 3 – Old Age: 12 to 14
Chapter 15 – A Starved Bird
Matt learns that Maria and Emilia have been sent away to a convent. When going to the stable for a horse, Matt sees Rosa and discovers she has been made into an eejit. For the first time he realized what a terrible thing it is to be turned into an eejit.
Matt finds a metal chest at the Oasis, left for him by Tam Lin, containing food, camping supplies, books, and maps.
El Viejo dies and everyone comes to the estate for the funeral. MacGregor looks much younger. Matt is yelled at by the Priest, who rudely states that Matt is not welcome in church. Maria comes to his rescue, and confronts the priest. They run and hide in the secret passage.
- Where has Maria and Emilia been sent to? Why?
- Why can’t Matt send Maria a letter?
- What has happened to Rosa? What was Matt’s reaction to seeing Rosa?
- What did Matt find at the canyon?
- Why do you think Tam Lin left these things for Matt?
- Who has died? What was the reaction to Matt at the service?
- What was Matt’s reaction to MacGregor entering the service? What about him has changed?
- What has changed about Maria?
- Describe the children’s choir?
- What is the Priest’s reaction to Matt? Other people?
- Why does Maria confront the priest?
- Where does Matt take Maria?
First Crossing - Celia's Story
Celia's Story - Connection to the Real World

In chapter 14 of House of the Scorpion, we learn how Celia came to be the possession of El Patron. Could something like this really happen? Do coyotes really exist? Today we will be reading chapter 1 from the book First Crossing: Stories About Teen Immigrants, edited by Donald R. Gallo. The chapter is a story entitled First Crossing by Pam Munoz Ryan. It is the story of a teenage Mexican boy heading to America with his father in search of work to help support their family back home. They enter the United States with the help of a coyote.
- What is the coyote? Dangers?
- Why did Marco and his father want to go to the United States?
- How did Marco’s father’s absence affect his life?
- How did Marco’s father go about getting a job once he was in the United States?
- What’s a gringo?
- How did Marco and his father get into the United States? How did the 9/11 attacks affect their journey?
- What is La Migra?
- What happened on their first crossing attempt? How many attempts did it take?
- Why was the football game important?
- What will Marco and his father do after both have entered the United States?
- Plot Marco’s journey with Google Maps. (Tijuana, Mexico to Encinitas, California) How many miles did he travel? How long would it take?
- House of the Scorpion Connection: Along with the producing opium, what other role(s) does the country of Opium serve for Aztlan and the United States.
- House of the Scorpion Connection: Compare and contrast Marco's journey with Celia's journey.
- House of the Scorpion Connection: Compare and contrast the coyotes in both stories.
Chapter 14
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 14
Chapter 14 – Celia’s Story
Matt is upset at Tam Lin’s departure. He’s upset that Tam Lin is disappointed in Matt for not accepting responsibility for the death of the dog and because Tam Lin treated him like a human, not just a “beast” like the others.
Tom is banished from the house for showing Maria and Matt Mr. MacGregor’s clone. We learned how Celia came to become El Patron’s possession. She attempted to come to the United States from Atzlan (Mexico) via coyote. She was abandoned in the desert and was captured by El Patron’s guards. Unlike her companions, she was sparred becoming an eejit because she was from El Patron’s hometown.
- In a complete sentence(s), describe the Alcaran “estancia.”
- Why was Matt so upset by Tam Lin’s departure?
- What happed to Tom? Why?
- How did Celia come to work for El Patron?
- What happed to the others Celia traveled from Aztlan with?
Chapter 13
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 13
Chapter 13 – The Lotus Pond
Matt once again ponders the meaning of something the Doctor had said: “Clones go to pieces when they get older.”
Matt learns from Celia that Felicia ran off with MacGregor due to her poor marriage with Mr. Alcaran. She was brought back because El Patron does not like his “possessions” taken away. Matt also learns more about clones from Celia, he is not supposed to know of these things. By law, clones are to have their brains destroyed. Matt escaped this fate due to El Patron’s power. It appears MacGregor is getting better due to organs from the clone.
Matt plans to talk to Maria again by kidnapping her dog, Furball, drugging him so he doesn’t bark, and hold him in a shed until she talks to him. On the way to the shed near the Lotus Pond, Matt sees Tom torturing frogs. Later on, Matt is able to kidnap the dog without the drugs. At the pond, Senator Mendoza is waiting with guards and its discovered that Furball is dead. No one believes Matt when he says he didn’t do it. Senator Mendoza says Matt will not be able to see Maria again.
Tam Lin will be leaving Matt, rejoining El Patron. Matt is considered old enough to fend for himself.
- An earlier line from the book was repeated by Matt: “Clones go to pieces when they get older.” What do you now think this statement means?
- Why did Felicia run off with Mr. MacGregor? What was she brought back? Who is Felicia’s son?
- What is wrong with Mr. MacGregor’s clone? Why did Matt not suffer the same fate?
- How was Mr. MacGregor’s health getting better?
- What was Matt’s plan for meeting Maria?
- What new subject was Matt beginning to study?
- What happened at the Lotus Pond?
- Who do you think killed Furball?
- Who is leaving Matt? Why?
Chapter 12
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 12
Chapter 12 – The Thing on the Bed
We learn that Matt’s activities were all supposed to be risk free and many safeguards were put in place to protect him. However, Tam Lin took Matt on weekly expeditions over the hills, where he had the opportunity to mountain climb and tease rattle snakes.
One day Felicia came to see Matt. She said Maria wanted to meet him at the hospital. When he got there, Maria said that Tom told her that Matt wanted to meet her there. Tom led the two of them to a hospital room where they saw a clone, deprived of its intelligence, in considerable pain; the clone was of Mr. MacGregor. It appears that Tom wanted to take Maria there to show her that Matt is similar to this “beast.”
- How were Matt’s activities to be?
- How were the expeditions with Tam Lin?
- Who visited Matt? Why?
- Who arranged the meeting between Matt and Maria?
- What did Maria, Tom, and Matt think was in the room? What actually was in the room?
- Whose clone was in the room?
- What do you think was Tom’s motivation for bringing Maria and Matt to the hospital room?
Chapter 11
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – The Giving and Taking of Gifts
El Patron’s party continues. We meet El Viejo, El Patron’s grandson and Mr. Alcaran’s father. Matt begins to show confidence and a feeling of power by moving around the place cards at the dinner table – sending Tom to the kid’s table and placing Maria next to him. Maria is upset at how Matt treats Tom. It is learned that El Viejo has decided against the same implants that El Patron and Mr. MacGregor or using – it is dangerous to do something contrary to El Patron. El Patron valued gifts because he thought the size of the gifts determined how much you are loved. Maria and Matt’s relationship has changed. When its Matt’s turn to receive gifts, he asks for a birthday kiss form her, drawing a gasp from the crowd and reluctantly is forced to do so by her father, Senator Mendoza. She leaves the table crying. El Patron is amused and applauds Matt’s use of power against both Tom and Maria (“his woman”).
- What is taking place?
- Who is El Viejo?
- Who is attending the party?
- By moving the place cards, what is Matt showing? How does Maria react?
- What are the implants? Why did El Viejo decide against using them? Why is this a dangerous decision for him?
- Why did El Patron value gifts?
- What did the Farmers give as gifts?
- How has Maria and Matt’s relationship changed? Why? What is El Patron’s reaction to this?
Chapter 10
House of the Scorpion - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 – A Cat with 9 Lives
It is El Patron’s 143rd birthday. Matt will be sitting next to him at the birthday dinner and is worried about how to act if El Patron acts “weird.” Celia makes Matt promise to come and hide in the kitchen if something bad happens.
Maria’s dog, Furball, becomes lost and is discovered by Matt to be trapped in the toilet. Matt is sure Tom had put Furball there and determines he’ll use what power he has with El Patron visiting to get back at Tom.
Matt begins taking music lessons from a deaf man named Mr. Ortega. A variety of important people begin showing up for the birthday party, including politicians, celebrities, “Farmers” (drug lords) and Mr. MacGregor (another drug lord and Tom’s father). El Patron’s heath has dramatically improved – he’s actually walking! He lives his doctors one million dollars each. Matt learns more of El Patron’s family history.
- How old is El Patron? What question did he repeatedly ask his last visit?
- What instructions does Celia give Matt?
- Find a Spanish to English Translator online. Look up Mi Hijo. How has Celia’s attitude toward Matt changed?
- What happened to Furball? What do you think Motivated Tom?
- What was Matt’s plan? Why did he pick this time?
- Who is Mr. Ortega?
- What did El Patron’s birthday mean for Matt?
- Who came to the party?
- Who were the “Farmers?”
- Who is Mr. MacGregor?
- Why did the people cheer for El Patron? Did everyone cheer?
- How has El Patron’s health change?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 – The Secret Passage
Matt continues his education via distant learning. He continues to have bad dreams about the dead man in the poppy fields. Matt met Maria’s dog Furball for the first time and did not like the dog because Matt was a clone and he was treated like an animal, just like Furball.
Matt begins to explore the house. He secretly listens to Felicia (Benito, Steven, and Tom’s mother) play the piano in the afternoons. He discovers she is a drunk. To avoid being caught listening, he hides in a closet where he discovers a secret passage. Over a few weeks, he explores the passage and eventually witnesses Mr. Alcaran’s father refusing his chemotherapy treatment and the Doctor giving a drug to Felicia. Tam Lin catches Matt playing the piano and discovers Matt’s talent for music. Matt is an eager learner, wanting to excel so people would love him and forget that he was a clone.
1. How does Matt study? Is he a good student?
2. What is the significance of being a “photograph?”
3. What did Matt dream?
4. Why didn’t Matt like “Furball?”
5. Who is Felicia?
6. What did Matt discover?
7. What did Matt witness in the Secret passage?
8. What did the Doctor give to Felicia?
9. What talent did Matt discover he had?
10. What motivated Matt to learn?
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